Differences in Performance of Single-edged swords and Double-edged swords in Combat

In general, double-edged swords are more suitable for infantry equipped with superior piercing ability, but the techniques are complex and not easy to learn, with high casting costs and complex craftsmanship. Single-edged swords have good chopping ability, are easy to master and suitable for cavalry, with low production costs.

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Double-edged swords and spears are both noble equipment, difficult to make and master. As the scale of warfare in the Warring States period continued to expand, equipment became more accessible to the common people. Double-edged swords and spears gradually faded from the mainstream equipment stage, becoming more ceremonial weapons.

Comparison of design:

Single-edged Sword Double-edged Sword
Sword Blade Single-edged Double-edged 
Blade Straight, Curved Straight
Guard Shape Round, Cup-shaped, Hook-shaped, Rhombus-shaped Crescent, elongated, rhombus
Handle Straight, Curved Straight
Pommel Circular, Metal cap, Curved, Elongated, Tassel or hanging rope Circular, round, or rhombic, tassel or hanging rope.
Length 70-180cm 50-110cm
Weight 700g-2.2kg 700g-1.1kg


Advantages of the double-edged sword:

1. Stronger piercing power due to its straightness. The piercing ability is strong, especially when both sides are equipped with armor, the double-edged sword's armor-piercing function is much stronger.

2. Faster in thrusting and retracting than a knife because of its straightness.

3. Double-edged with various fancy combat techniques, referencing European swords, making it harder to predict.

4. High cultural status.


1. Limited contact surface in chopping, insufficient power.

2. Risk of self-injury during blade rebound, especially without armor.

3. The force distribution in straight sword chopping is not very rational, prone to breakage if metallurgy is not up to standard.

4. Higher production and polishing costs.Swords lies in their difficulty to make. Just making them straight is a challenge for most swordmiths. Single-edged sword, on the other hand, are more forgiving in terms of bending angles.

5. Longer training period. 6. Vulnerable to being dismounted when using a long double-edged sword in mounted combat.


Advantages of the single-edged sword:

1. The curved blade allows for continuous expansion of the contact surface during chopping, transitioning from chopping to slicing, more suitable for chopping and cutting.

2. Techniques with the back of the knife allow for adjustable length, also beneficial for defense. (In contrast, only armor-clad or blunt swords dare to play this way.)

3. Relatively simpler techniques, easier to learn.

4. Suitable for chopping from horseback, no delay in actions, smooth movements.

5. Lower cost, conducive to mass production.

6. Many Ming and Qing dynasty single-edged swords have a back edge, similar to the pick or helicopter (spiral cut) single-edged swords that double-edged swords can also make.

7. single-edged swords can use the blade curve to hook and disarm opponents' weapons with a follow-up chop (loved by Persians), which double-edged swords cannot do.

8. Quick draw! Quick draw! Quick draw! Ready to chop directly without retracting, and requires less space for drawing, giving single-edged swords an advantage in narrow encounters.


1. The curved blade's force transmission is not direct, making it challenging to vertically contact the surface, slightly inferior in piercing armor.

2. With the same weight, the curvature of the knife will reduce its length, and length equals strength is a simple truth.

This is just a general overview; both single-edged swords and double-edged swords come in various styles. Specific analysis should be based on the user's skills and cannot be generalized.

Comparison of usage:

Single-edged sword Double-edged sword
Thrusting ✖️ ✔️
Chopping ✔️ ✔️
Cutting ✔️ ✖️
Versatility ✖️ ✔️
Cavalry blade ✔️ ✖️


Finding the best weapon between these two categories is fundamentally impossible as they each serve their own purposes and hold different positions in combat. However, in a one-on-one duel where both sides possess equal skills, the sword is believed to be the preferred weapon due to its versatility and adaptability.

Despite this viewpoint, Chinese history has taken a different path. Their weapon of choice has been the single-edged swords, a blade favored by both civilians and soldiers. It is important to note that this shift was not gradually carried out by soldiers but was a choice made by the military institution of the Han Dynasty, likely during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han (around 150 BC).

There are four main factors that have led to this situation:

1. Economic factors - lower production costs of the dao
2. Practicality and durability - easier maintenance of a single-edged blade
3. Weapon mastery - simpler techniques for striking with a single-edged blade
4. Effectiveness - the single-edged blade proved as effective as the sword, especially gaining popularity with the increase of cavalry units.